I loved LH in high school. I played miseducation non stop!

I want to be more intentional about taking myself out on dates. I’m gonna aim to go on a solo date by the end of the month!

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Oh can’t wait to hear about your solo date.

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Came to complain about Lauryn Hill being late l and you got me together lol love that you’re spending time with yourself.

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Lol! Glad that I can offer insight from someone who actually attended the concert. I haven’t been to one concert where the artist started at the exact time. Plus there was a Dj while we waited and she gave us three hours! I just want people to see her and all artist as a human being and extend grace.

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I guess I was salty because we waited 3 hours in the cold rain for LH and I ended up leaving. But I will never skip a track on the Miseducation of LH- that would be blasphemous lol

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Oh wow! Sheesh that’s a lot. I do remember people saying she was 3 hours late at times and I can’t even imagine how that felt as a fan. I think she’s getting better but I do understand everyone’s experience is different. Have you listened to her unplugged album?

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I LOVE the unplugged album. Talk about release and getting free!

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That part!!

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I went to the concert in Seattle it was so amazing! We cried! We laughed! We cheered... it was a great night with friends.

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I am glad that you had a great experience as well! It was such a vibe and I am so glad I went.

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I am so proud of you for embarking on a solo dating journey. Being alone is my favorite place to be and I wish more people could comfortably enjoy their own company, especially out and about. On LH, I love her, but I don't think I'll ever see her in concert and I'm glad you made it to one of the better shows!

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Yeah solo dating is becoming a thing for me. I considered inviting friends to see The Renaissance Film and then decided, nope I want to see it solo.

I’m grateful for my experience seeing Lauryn Hill and I respect anyone who chooses not to go: I just wish people would stop being so hard on her, you really never know what someone is experiencing. And the thing is we’ll have her album forever and can forever hold onto her legacy.

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I love solo dates and plan them as often as I can. They help me be present and on one occasion, I only took one photo and tried to remember everything else. It’s good to wander alone.

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If you don’t mind sharing, what are some of the things you’ve done solo? I love how you said it’s good to wander alone. I plan to do more wandering and getting to know myself.

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I go out and have a nice dinner, go to a museum, maybe to an event, depends on what’s happening. I’m trying to do something once every other month. Solo for me means without kids and husband, so I’ve been to Jamaica and also Portugal with my mom and extended family for events. It’s nice to figure out my vibe versus what everyone wants, what the kids are doing.

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Oh I love this!! I’ve yet to travel solo so that’s definitely on my list. I’ve traveled with people or met up with someone when I got there but never just solo.

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