In this space, I share my journey of living freely in real-time, offering insights, journal prompts, and affirmations to empower you to do the same. Join a community of women as we redefine what freedom means together and support each other in living life on our terms! By becoming a paid subscriber, you’ll access exclusive content that deepens your journey, including monthly journal prompts and affirmations tailored just for you.
One of my close guy friends was the first person to look me in the eye and say, “You deserve…”
Before that moment, I don’t think I had ever really stopped to consider my own deserving. Sure, I’d dreamed about the life I wanted, the kind of love I longed for, or the experiences I hoped to have someday—but I hadn’t connected those dreams to the simple fact that I was worthy of them.
Now? Those two words, “You deserve,” are part of my everyday thought process. They’ve become a lens through which I see myself.
And the truth is that we all deserve whatever we desire—simply because we exist. That’s it. There’s no hustle required, no proof needed, no hoops to jump through.
Words have power, And when we intentionally speak love into the parts of ourselves that feel unworthy, that’s when healing happens. That’s when we begin to embody the truth of who we are.
So today, I want to remind you—and the parts of you that need a little extra care—of just how deserving you are.
You deserve friends who celebrate you.
You deserve to be in a healthy, nurturing relationship.
You deserve to do the things that make your heart sing.
You deserve to feel loved well—like really, really well.
You deserve rest, without guilt.
You deserve to feel your feelings, whatever they may be.
You deserve the time and space to heal and grow.
And, most importantly, you deserve to be free—to live your life fully, unapologetically, and on your own terms.
As we close out this year, I hope you take a moment to pause and let this truth sink in: You deserve more. More love. More joy. More freedom.
Not someday, not when you check off everything on your to-do list, but right now.
Because, you are worth it. Always.
With love and light,
Ready to dive deeper into your journey of freedom?
Share your response in the comment section: What’s one thing you feel you deserve?
Ready to start over, check out my digital guide-book, Starting Over, On Your Terms
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I pour my heart into creating content that empowers us to reclaim our lives and live on our terms. Become a paid subscriber for exclusive journal prompts, affirmations, and future mini-masterclasses to support your journey. Your support means the world, and together, we’ll continue to rise.
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