I know I emailed you yesterday, but this was on my heart this morning and I just had to share with you.
I was jotting down notes for content for my newsletter and podcast when I noticed that this week alone I got 3 new paid subscribers!
I went to share on my IG stories how big a deal this is because just a few days ago I opened my own checking account in my maiden name.
I am starting over in every area of my life and it feels good to start to see things moving forward for me.
When you invest in my work it helps me take care of my children and sustain my lifestyle while I share my life in real time to help you be free.
THANK YOU for being a part of my community. I deeply appreciate you!
If you’re enjoying my newsletters, I would love for you to share it with a friend. Thank you:)
If you were inspired by today's email or podcast episode , and want to be kind and show your support, I'd be delighted for you to treat me to a cup of coffee. Thank you!
With love and light,