Click the play button below, to listen to this week’s episode of my podcast, Preparing For Your Future Self. You can click here to subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.
I was scrolling on TikTok when I came across Usher’s Super Bowl 2024 Commercial, and it wasn’t until the end that my eyes started to fill with tears.
It was the part where the future Usher was talking to the younger Usher, explaining that he was performing for the Super Bowl Halftime Show.
I thought about all the things that Usher has had to deal with in his career, and I am sure he probably couldn't imagine that his career would be what it is today.
I then started thinking about my own life, and I remember where I was three years ago two years ago, and even last year.
There were times when I had no clue how everything was gonna work out, and yet it did, better than I could have ever imagined.
I think back on younger Siobhan, and all she’s ever wanted to be was free.
Free to feel.
Free to live.
Free to dream.
Free to believe.
Free to experience.
Free to just be.
And as I look at my life in this very moment, I am freer than I ever been.
My life feels good, and it’s because all along I’ve been doing the inner work to become my future self.
I am now thinking about my future self with more intention, and asking myself...
What would my future self say to me right now?
How would my future self want me to respond?
Would my future self approve of this relationship?
I want everything I do to make my future self proud.
One of the hardest things I’ve had to do lately is set boundaries with my family. I grew up a good girl and people pleaser so everyone is used to me showing up a certain kind of way.
As I was talking to my therapist, I said to her my future self would want me to put myself first, and just saying that out loud led me to focus on protecting my peace.
Life is for the living, and that means you have to live your life without any regrets.
In this week’s episode of my podcast, I share one of my favorite books that I recommend everyone on the planet read, titled The Top Five Regrets of the Dying by Bronnie Ware.
This book has set the foundation for how I am choosing to live my life, and here are the regrets...
Regret 1:
I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself.
Regret 2:
I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.
Regret 3:
I wish I had the courage to express my feelings
Regret 4:
I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
Regret 5:
I wish I had let myself be happier.
I want you to take a listen to this week's episode where I share more of my thoughts on the book + some of my favorite quotes. You can subscribe and listen to today's episode on Spotify, Apple Podcast, YouTube, and Amazon. Enjoy and share the episode and this newsletter with a friend!
This is the perfect book to read for the Fall season, it will inspire you to reflect over your life so you can start to show up for yourself. Get it here.
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What’s one thing your future self would be proud of you for?
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With love and light,