New Plant, Iced Coffee, Checking Account & Drivers License in My Maiden Name
a recap of my month
Click the play button below, to listen to this week’s episode of my podcast, “New Plant, Iced Coffee, Checking Account & Drivers License in My Maiden Name.” You can click here to subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.
New Plant
I got a new plant last month, and this plant is significant because it was gifted to me by one of my skate friends.
My Granny transitioned last month, and I decided that the next plant that I brought into my home, I would name it after her.
I went to Lowe’s searching for a new plant, but none of the plants spoke to me, so I left and told myself I’d know when the timing was right.
A few days later, I was at the skating rink, and one of my skate friends who’s into plants gifted me a baby snake plant.
He said he wanted to gift it to me after he saw the post I wrote about my Granny on IG.
I told him that I shared with a few friends that the next plant I brought into my home, I would name it Thelma after my Granny.
This plant is meaningful to me because my Granny transitioned at 93, and I now have a baby snake plant that I get to watch flourish.
My heart is full. :)
Iced Coffee
I LOVE coffee, and more specifically, I love my coffee hot. Back in July, while in Atlanta, I was at a cute coffee shop with a friend.
I ordered a hot cup of coffee, and he ordered iced coffee. During our conversation, I mentioned that I only drink my coffee hot. He asked why was that, and I said I don't like iced coffee.
He then said have you ever had it, I said yeah, years ago, from Dunkin Donuts. And he looked at me like, ok...
I heard myself in that moment, and I sounded ridiculous, and here's why...
This is my year of curiosity, and yet I can see how in many ways I am holding myself back.
This is not about the iced coffee, it’s about how stuck I can be and not even know it. I decided that I was going to try iced coffee again to see if I didn’t like it or if this was just old programming.
Several weeks later, I had a cup of iced coffee from a cool little coffee truck, and I liked it. It’s not my preferred choice, but I do like it, and I will have it again.
The lesson for me is to stop saying what I like and don’t like and be open to trying things. I am not the same woman I was who tried iced coffee years ago. I am a new woman, and that means that what may have been true before doesn’t make it true now.
New Drivers License + New Checking Account
I switched back to my maiden name, and I finally got a new driver’s license.
Let me tell you, changing everything back to my maiden name is not an easy process and it's very time-consuming.
One day, I woke up, and I had a strong desire to get my new driver’s license. It was a little emotional because it reminded me of the woman I was leaving behind as I became the woman I desired to be.
Later that month, I opened a checking account in my maiden name, and I am so damn proud of myself. By the end of the year, I want to have everything switched over so that I can release any attachments related to my marriage.
August was a very hard month for me emotionally, and there were so many moments I was like WTF. I made it through, and I am actually excited about what’s to come in this new season.
I am ready to focus my attention on tending to myself, and I share in today’s podcast episode why I chose a new therapist to support me in this new chapter of my life.
You can subscribe and listen to today's episode on Spotify, Apple Podcast, YouTube, and Amazon. Enjoy and share the episode and this newsletter with a friend!
Lately I’ve been in a mellow mood when it comes to music. I discovered this song, Sicily’ Box, and then created a playlist based on the song. It’s been a whole vibe. Take a listen and let me know what you think.
Let’s chat…
I love to connect with my community and have conversations and the comments are where we’re going to make that happen. Share your thoughts about the podcast episode, the newsletter, or respond to the prompt.
How was the month of August for you? What did you learn about yourself?
If you were inspired by today's email, and want to be kind and show your support, I'd be delighted for you to treat me to a cup of coffee. Thank you!
With love and light,