Click the play button below, to listen to this week’s episode of my podcast, Monthly Randomness & Thoughts (July). You can click here to subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.
I was laying in my bed Friday night thinking about some of the experiences I had over the last month that has impacted my life most beautifully.
I couldn't quite figure out how I wanted to categorize what I was feeling, so I figured I would just share my thoughts and randomness and let it be a monthly thing.
Conversation with a Stranger
Last week I decided to change up my scenery, and I went to The Cleveland Museum of Art to journal, think and be present with myself.
I was sitting on the steps in front of the water fountain when this lady approached me.
She said she was on her morning walk before work when she saw me sitting on the steps and decided to walk down to where I was.
As she stood on the steps, she asked me did the statues that were surrounding the water fountain have faces on them.
I told her I wasn’t sure and that she could walk around to see the statues.
She said, “No I’ll stay right here."
As we continued to talk, I learned that she experienced a traumatic event in her life, and she was afraid to get close to the fountain.
I told her that based on what she experienced years ago, I understand why she can't leave the steps and see the statues.
I explained to her that grief comes in waves and you never know when it will hit you.
Her not being able to get off the steps to see the statues made sense, and I told her that if that's as far as she can go, then that's enough.
With tears in her eyes, she thanked me for sharing my perspective and told me that what I shared was helpful.
We said our goodbyes, she went on to finish her morning walk, and I continued to journal and reflect on that moment.
Our conversation filled me up in a way that I didn't know I needed, and I was able to be a light to a stranger, and she was a light to me.
You don’t know what other people are dealing with on a day-to-day basis so always, yes always, be kind.
And most importantly, be kind to yourself.
Beyonce’ (Renaissance Tour)
I've seen Beyonce' in concert five or six times, and each time I am blown away by my experience.
Beyonce' is magical.
Beyonce' is gorgeous.
Beyonce' is an icon.
Last Wednesday evening, my friends and I took a quick road trip to Detroit for the Renaissance Tour.
As soon as we parked our car, I was like a little kid on Christmas Day.
I was bouncing around and in awe that I was about to breathe the same air as Beyonce'.
From the moment she hit the stage until she floated around at the end, I danced and sang all my favorite songs.
Whether you're a Beyonce fan or not, I highly recommend going to see her in concert, the production is top-tier, and it's truly a whole experience.
Last month, I had a lot of fun, from going to Atlanta, roller skating, going to the Beyonce’ concert, and attending a graduation party just to name a few things. I want to have more fun in my life, and I will be intentional about living my life and sharing it with you.
In today’s podcast episode, I share more randomness and thoughts from the month of July. You can subscribe and listen to today's episode on Spotify, Apple Podcast, YouTube, and Amazon. Enjoy and share the episode and this newsletter with a friend!
I love love love looking at home decor on You Tube, Tik Tok and IG. As you know I am living on my own for the first time and I have been enjoying decorating my home so that it feels good to my nervous system. I came across this video and I instantly fell in love because this is my vibe, minus the flowers and white walls. Watch it here.
Let’s chat…
I love to connect with my community and have conversations and the comments are where we’re going to make that happen. Share your thoughts about the podcast episode, the newsletter, or respond to the prompt.
What’s something fun that you experienced last month?
If you were inspired by today's email or podcast episode , and want to be kind and show your support, I'd be delighted for you to treat me to a cup of coffee. Thank you!
With love and light,