Getting To Know Myself For The First Time in my Forties
My identity has shifted and every part of my life feels unfamiliar
I am forty-three, and I do not know myself.
I am experiencing an identity shift, and it feels like I am seeing myself for the first time.
My life has drastically changed over the last three years, and I am a different woman.
I am no longer a wife
I am living on my own for the first time
I am not defined by my work with BeFree Project
I am mothering two amazing teenagers
I am building a relationship with my mother
I loc'd my hair
And with all of the changes, my life feels unfamiliar because it is.
In 2020, I started to see that my life did not feel the way I imagined it would feel at that point in my life.
My life did not feel fulfilling or free. I felt caged and stuck.
The feelings were so intense that I could not avoid them any longer.
The last three years have been the most difficult years of my life, and there were many times when I questioned if I was gonna be ok.
It's hard to choose yourself when choosing yourself may hurt people you care about. And yet I decided to be brave and do the hard thing over and over again.
My identity shift started when my mother apologized for the choices she made when I was a child.
I actually felt the shift in my body.
I knew I was no longer the same person, and I would have to get to know who I was now that I wasn’t defined by my mother's wounds.
I've grown and discovered a lot about myself since then. Then two weeks ago my identity shift started again, once my divorce was finalized.
This identity shift feels different and yet the same.
Once again, I am getting to know this new version of myself, no longer defined by the roles I played in my life.
2023 is my year of curiosity, and I am excited to get to know myself and begin living the life I want to live, a life of freedom.
I was at Trader Joe’s ( my favorite grocery store), and while walking in the produce section, it dawned on me that I didn’t know what type of apples I liked.
Usually, I grab whatever apples I see in hopes that they're sweet. On this particular day, I decided to buy three single apples, Fuji, Gala, and Honeycrisp so I could figure out which apples I really liked.
I ate a different apple each day, and I discovered that I don't like Gala apples. I’ve been buying Gala apples for years, but only by trying them amongst the other two, I realized it wasn’t my top choice.
As I am getting to know myself, this requires me to unpack every part of my life and decide what’s true for me and what isn’t.
I am both excited and curious about this new space I am in because I finally get to decide who I want to become without someone else’s input.
I've had many conversations with both men and women and what I notice is that many people are not living the lives they want because they don't who they are.
I encourage you to check in with yourself, explore your values, beliefs, thoughts, ideas, and feelings, and make sure you're getting to know yourself on a deeper level.
In today’s podcast episode, I share how I am getting to know myself now in my forties and some of the epiphanies I am having.
You can subscribe and listen to today's episode on Spotify, Apple Podcast, YouTube, and Amazon.
I would love for you to DM me on Instagram or comment below and let me know your thoughts about today's episode.
With love and light,
Let’s chat: Do you feel like you know yourself? Why or why not?
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