Click the play button below, to listen to this week’s episode of my podcast, Feeling Safe in People, Places, and Things. You can click here to subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.
This past weekend I went to Atlanta to visit my friend, and the moment I walked into their home, I felt safe.
Have you ever just gone somewhere, and instantly your body was at ease?
That’s how I felt their home was very zen-like.
It had all the elements of safety that my body needed, from the plants, the incense, the sunlight, warm colors, and the music.
It was a vibe.
My whole body was being restored, recharged, and revitalized.
I slept a lot throughout the weekend, and I realized that it wasn’t that I was physically tired, I was emotionally exhausted.
I’ve shared on my podcast that I was in an emotionally unhealthy marriage which kept me in a state of hypervigilance.
Often my nervous system was on edge and I felt like I was walking on eggshells.
Over the last year, I’ve been able to create safety in my physical environment by curating my apartment in such a way that brings me calm and peace.
I am learning that it’s going to take time to recover and heal so I can also feel psychologically and emotionally safe.
Doing the inner work is a journey and everyone’s work will look different and that’s ok.
For you to feel emotionally safe that means that you have to be in environments that you trust where there’s no judgment or harsh treatment.
On my way back home my soul kept saying “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
My intention going forward is to recreate the experience I had in Atlanta by making sure every aspect of my life I feel safe.
My friend shared this IG Reel with me the other day, and it’s exactly what I am experiencing.
I am learning how to create safe spaces for myself, and I share a few ways I am doing that on today’s episode of my podcast.
Let’s chat…
I love to connect with my community and have conversations and the comments are where we’re going to make that happen. Share your thoughts about the podcast episode, the newsletter, or respond to the prompt.
Do you feel emotionally safe? Why or why not?
Last week I missed sending out a newsletter due to traveling however I want to make sure you get a chance to listen to last week’s episode titled, Target, IKEA, Tulum. Click the play button below and I would love for you to comment below and let me know your thoughts.
If you were inspired by today's email, and want to be kind and show your support, I'd be delighted for you to treat me to a cup of coffee. Thank you!
With love and light,