Yvette is 9+ years married with 4 kids. Much of her life is shared in their family's youtube channel, Beleaf in Fatherhood. She co-hosts a podcast with her husband called, How Married Are You? And she just launched her own podcast called Yvette, Unplugged. She is currently a stay at home mom who homeschools, but prior to that, she taught math. She taught for 7 years and has been home for 2.5 years with the kids. Her faith is a huge foundational piece in keeping her somewhat sane juggling all the things. Take a listen and feel free to share your key takeaways with me by email hello@befreeproject.com or on IG @befreeproject.
Mentioned on the show:
Will Smith on The Breakfast Club
Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
Connect with Yvette:
Instagram: @mrsmelanin
Website: beleafinfatherhood.com
Podcast: How Married are You? and Yvette Unplugged
YouTube: Beleaf in Fatherhood
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