Tanisha Pinex is a Brand Strategist + Designer and Entrepreneur Coach. She works with entrepreneurs who have a vision and passion to do what they love to build profitable and marketable brands. She works hard at designing, coaching, and pulling out the very essence of people and their passions. Tanisha educates and provides the tools and resources needed to help entrepreneurs in their journeys. Take a listen and feel free to share your key takeaways with me by email hello@befreeproject.com or on IG @befreeproject
Mentioned in the Episode:
The Motherless Child Guidebook
Girl Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis
Atomic Habits by James Clear
Connect with Tanisha:
Instagram: @mrspinex
Facebook: @Brandsence
Your Community For Real Sisterhood is in the BeFree Inner Circle, join today. www.befreeinnercircle.com
Tune in and listen on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Stitcher or Google Play
#GirlBeFreePodcast #BeFreeProject
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