GG Renee Hill is a writer and speaker who helps others find, accept, and express their truths through writing. She brings her experience as a blogger, memoirist, ghostwriter, and creative coach to the books, courses, and workshops she offers on her website, Through her offerings, she advocates for self-discovery and emotional awareness through writing, as she creates safe spaces for others to own their voices and tell their stories. When she's not working on her own writing projects, GG freelances as a communications consultant and workshop facilitator for corporate and non-profit clients. She lives in Maryland with her partner and three children. Take a listen and feel free to share your key takeaways with me by email or on IG @befreeproject.
Mentioned on the show:
Self-Care Check-In Journal by GG Renee
Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo
Byron Katie: The Work
Return to Love by Marianne Williamson
The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav
A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle
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Connect with GG Renee:
Instagram: @ggreneewrites
Facebook: @ggreneewrites
Tune in and listen on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Stitcher or Google Play
#GirlBeFreePodcast #BeFreeProject
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