Achie is an entrepreneur, speaker, and certified coach for women. Her specialty and mission is to help women identify and debunk the limiting beliefs that cause them to hide from their awesomeness in order to reprogram their thinking for wholeness and success. She is also the creator and host of the I Am Achie podcast - a place of inspiration, love, and girl talk for the woman who's ready for personal growth. Her content encourages audiences to practically sustain their dreams by actively and intentionally developing themselves. Take a listen and feel free to share your key takeaways with me by email or on IG @befreeproject.
Mentioned on the show:
I am Achie's Podcast: Choosing Your Friends Intentionally
Your Community For Real Sisterhood & Accountability is in the BeFree Inner Circle, join today.
Connect with Achie:
Instagram: iam_achie
Facebook: AchieMcEachern
Tune in and listen on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Stitcher or Google Play
#GirlBeFreePodcast #BeFreeProject
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