I am introducing a new series on the podcast, Chasing Free where I will interview women who are living in purpose, pursuing her dreams and unapologetically showing up for herself. This week I interview Nikki Porcher founder of Buy From a Black Woman. Take a listen and feel free to share your key takeaways with me by email hello@befreeproject.com or on IG @befreeproject
Mentioned in the Episode:
The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
Buy From a Black Woman Directory
The Motherless Child Guidebook: a sacred space for healing your mother wounds (www.themotherlesschild.com)
Connect with Nikki:
Instagram: @buyfromablackwoman
Twitter: @BFABWInfo
Facebook: Buy From A Black Woman
Website: https://www.buyfromablackwoman.org
Tune in and listen on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Stitcher or Google Play
#GirlBeFreePodcast #BeFreeProject #BuyFromaBlackWoman
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