I was having a rough two weeks and I just knew I had to change my thoughts. I shifted my energy and focus and ended up experiencing so many beautiful surprises in one week. Take a listen and feel free to share your key takeaways with me by email hello@befreeproject.com or on IG @befreeproject
Mentioned in the episode:
Manifest Now by Idil Ahmed
The Motherless Child Guidebook: a sacred space for healing your mother wounds (www.themotherlesschild.com)
BeFree Inner Circle www.befreeinnercircle.com
BeFree Meetup (www.befreemeetup.eventbrite.com)
101 Resources Every Woman Needs To Change Here Life (FREE Download) http://bit.ly/101bfpresourceguide
Connect with me on IG @befreeproject and share your key takeaways of this episode by
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Learn more about me and my work www.befreeproject.com
#GirlBeFreePodcast #BeFreeProject
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